Hybrid & Italian

Hybrid ryegrasses cross perennial ryegrass with Italian ryegrass. Hybrid ryegrass can be used in situations where you require some persistence 2-4 years, but don’t want to compromise winter growth.

Italian ryegrasses are a highly nutritious and productive short term pasture option for areas with mild summers and reliable rainfall or irrigation.

Italian Ryegrasses

Italian ryegrasses are a highly nutritious and productive short term pasture option for areas with mild summers and reliable rainfall or irrigation. Generally used for the production of quality hay or silage, Italians may also be used to oversow depleted perennial pastures for fast growth and short term improvement. Italian ryegrasses can persist for up to 3 years but will generally thin out over hot summers requiring annual oversowing to maximise benefits.

Rainfall: 450+ or Irrigation depending on cultivar
Seed count: 500,000 per kg (diploid), 260,000 per kg (tetraploid)
Sowing Rate:  5-30kg/Ha




No Endophyte

Mid-Late maturing Diploid Italian with excellent early season production and recovery from grazing. 

A densely tillered upright variety providing a balance between optimising grazing and conserving as silage or hay. Low aftermath heading ensures quality feed continues to be produced while moisture is available. 

Suits use where the late season quality of an Italian ryegrass can be utilised and the robustness of a densely tillered diploid provide management options throughout the season.  




No Endophyte

Extend the growing season at both ends with XTEND; a mid flowering Italian ryegrass, and make the most of early and late moisture.  We are very excited to be able to offer the Australian market a new ryegrass that is proving terrific value.  

Xtend will be your friend early too, being a very fast establishing Italian diploid ryegrass that yields exceptional growth and performance early and late.  An excellent choice for grazing, hay and silage.

Hybrid Ryegrasses

Crossing perennial ryegrass with Italian ryegrass develops hybrid ryegrasses. The resulting types range from those that resemble Italian ryegrass (known as short-rotation ryegrasses), with high yields and having larger leaves, persisting from 1-4 years; to types almost as persistent as perennial ryegrass (known as long-rotation ryegrasses). Hybrid ryegrass can be used in situations where you require some persistence 2-4 years, but don’t want to compromise winter growth. For example, hybrids can be used to oversow perennial pastures to bulk up feed and extend growth before a renovation is undertaken. They are able to establish well due to their fast early growth and can compete with established plants.

Rainfall: 650+ or Irrigation
Seed count: 500,000 per kg (diploid), 250,000 per kg (tetraploid)
Sowing Rate:  5-15kg/Ha in mixes, 20-30kg/Ha as sole grass




No Endophyte

A late-flowering long-rotation type with strong establishment vigour. Rula provides value in a number of situations. It is often used as the sole grass in a potential 4 year pasture. It has a fit for a short term pasture in environments where Italians are unreliable. It also can be used to increase early production in perennial blends, eg. Target Finisher. Increasing the growing season in short term blends, is another place for Rula, eg. Target Short-term Stayer. High year-round total forage yield, combined with good persistence and resistance to rust.

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