For malting or feed barley can play a major role in your rotation. With a range of different barleys that can be grown successfully across a wide variety of environments and programs AGF Seeds can provide you with the best quality seed.

Med – High
Mid Mat
Key Features
- Slower Maturity than Planet
- Improved Net Blotch resistance compared to other popular varieties.
- Suitable for growing in Southern and Northern Australia
Fandaga is a medium height variety suited to medium to high rainfall regions. Fandaga offers an ability to yield, consistency and useful disease resistance traits. EPR $3.65

Fandaga was the 2024 Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland’s Champion Crop.
Peter & Wayne Anderson grew an outstanding paddock of Fandaga that yielded 9.841 t/ha and won them the coveted award.
Maximus CL
IMI Tolerant
NOW MALT ACCREDITED Maximus is a high yielding, quick-mid Maturing CL barley.
- Represents an overall improvement compared to Spartacus CL for disease resistance
- Good net form net blotch resistance
- Good scald resistance
- Improved spot form net blotch resistance
- Strong lodging tolerance and a low-medium head loss risk
- Excellent grain plumpness (larger than Spartacus CL) and hectolitre weight
EPR $4.25.
Pot. Malt
Low – Mid
Quick maturing spring variety that was bred in Australia for malting and brewing (currently in Stage 1 evaluation)
Broad adaptation with high grain yield in range of low and medium rainfall zones. Excellent physical grain quality with high retention, high test weight and low screenings.
Excellent malt modification, good grain protein accumulation and low Gibberellic Acid requirement.
EPR $4.00
RGT Atlantis
Water Logging Tolerant
RGT Atlantis is new waterlogging tolerant barley with high yield potential in the medium and high rainfall zone areas. These areas with high yield potential can also experience periods of transient inundation during the growing season and this can limit the yield potential significantly.
RGT Atlantis has been bred from RGT Planet combined with a native waterlogging tolerant barley. This cross enables the plants to withstand periods of waterlogging via introduced structures called “aerenchyma”. Normally waterlogged soils are low in oxygen and these aerenchyma allow oxygen to remain in the roots during extended periods of waterlogging and keep the plants growing.
Neo CL
IMI Tolerant
Mid Spring
- Exceptionally high yielding, InterGrain data indicates a 10% yield improvement over RGT Planet
- Mid-Spring maturity, imidazolinone (IMI) tolerant
- Outstanding disease resistance package including excellent resistance to cereal cyst nematode, powdery mildew and the spot form of net blotch, and useful resistance to the net form of net blotch and leaf scald.
- Ideally suited to medium-high rainfall environments
- Neo has a semi-prostrate early growth habit and a medium plant height
- Good head retention and good tolerance to lodging and head loss
- Good grain quality attributes including high levels of grain plumpness, substantially superior to RGT Planet.
- Neo has been accepted into Grain’s Australia malting accreditation program with the earliest potential final accreditation in March 2025.
EPR $4.25 GST exclusive.
Dual Purpose
Winter Barley
Dual purpose variety with slow early development enabling early sowing for grazing, a long growing season, then harvest maturity equivalent to other long season cereals.
Highly competitive plant type with high total biomass production and feed quality grain.
Very high tillering ability with particularly prostrate early growth.
EPR $3.50
RGT Planet
Med – High
Mid-Slow Mat
RGT Planet has a strong agronomic package that, combined with its yield potential, will make it an economic option for Australian barley growers. RGT Planet received full malt accreditation in Australia in March 2019. It already has malt status in many European countries and strong demand from European and Asian brewers. RGT Planet has good disease resistance to mildew, rhincosporum, net blotch and brown rust. It also has good straw strength and reduced risk of lodging.
EPR $4.00.