
Winter Legumes offer a range of advantages in your rotation from offering feed, hay and silage options to being key components in mixes and being used to address nitrogen issues in your soil. We can work with you to find where you might take advantage of peas and vetch to improve your paddock.


Field peas are a hard winter legume and are one of the oldest domesticated crops,cultivated for at least 7,000 years. They are now grown in many countries for both human consumption and stockfeed. There are several cultivars and colours of peas, including blue, dun (brown), maple and white. Peas are a climbing annual legume with weak, viney and relatively succulent stems. Vines are often 1.2 to 1.5 metres long but when alone, field pea’s weak stems prevent it from growing more than 40- 60cms tall. Leaves have two leaflets and a tendril. Flowers are white, pink or purple. The root system is relatively shallow and small, but well nodulated.

Seed Count: 5,800/kg

Sowing Rate: 80-1250kg/Ha

Dun & Kaspa Peas




Suited to silage with many different cultivars available. Differences in cultivars can be found in their range of disease resistance, yield potential, flowering dates and suitability for grain or plant dry matter production. Dun or Kaspa type peas feature in our FArmour Cool Cover as well as TARGET Mega Silage.


Common Vetch


Forage & Grain

Manure Crop

Common vetch is a winter-active annual legume usually added to oats or cereals to increase dry matter production and to improve feed quality for grazing or hay. Sown alone, vetch can provide a high protein hay yield or it may be used as a green manure crop, providing nitrogen for following crops and breaking disease cycles.

Seed Count: 25,000-50,000/kg

Sowing Rate: 15-30kg/Ha in mixes, 20-30kg alone

Purple Vetch


Grazing and Hay

Manure Crop

Purple vetch is an annual legume native to Southern Europe generally grown as a green manure crop or mixed with oats to produce hay. Purple vetch does not respond well after grazing and is 100% soft seeded.

Seed Count: 22,000/kg

Sowing Rate: 15-40kg/Ha alone, 20-30kg in mixes



Grazing and Hay

Long Season

Benetas Vetch was developed by Tasglobal Seeds. It is capable of producing high forage yields and has good early spring vigour. Benatas is later flowering than Popany. Its cold tolerance during vegetative growth is improved. It is also tolerant of moderate waterlogging. Benetas Vetch features in our Target Oat & Vetch and FArmour HDL blends

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