
Add variety and quality to your pasture through the use of herbs.

Plantain: Plantago Lanceolata

Plantain is a fibrous rooted perennial pasture herb capable of growing in a wide range of soil types and under varying fertility levels. It is highly palatable to stock and very high in minerals. Plantain can be sown in mixtures with any legume, grass or other herb. 

Rainfall: 550mm+ or Irrigation

Seed count: 500,000/kg 

Sowing rate mix: 2-3kg/Ha 

Sowing rate alone: 8kg/Ha + clover



Cool season growth

Highly palatable

Broad leaf perennial herb with an upright growth habit. Strong cool season growth and an excellent source of key minerals such as calcium and selenium. Highly palatable, suitable for use in pasture mixes for sheep, beef and dairy.

Chicory: Cichorium Intybus

Chicory is a deep rooted short-lived perennial herb. It is summer active, producing highly palatable feed from spring through to autumn where it is an ideal crop for supplementing stock and increasing animal intake and performance. Chicory has the ability to perform well in free draining acid soils making it a suitable alternative to lucerne where soil acidity is an issue. Due to its upright nature and preference to grazing stock, persistence and performance is maximised under rotational grazing and will perform exceptionally well under good fertility. 

Rainfall: 550+ or Irrigation

Seed count: 850,000/kg

Sowing rate mix: 1-2 kg/ha

Sowing rate along: 4-5 kg/ha



Erect Plant Type

A high yielding, very high quality and leafy chicory showing fast establishment, rapid re-growth, strong insect resistance and good drought tolerance.



Prostrate Plant Type

Grazing Tolerant

Puna is a top performing perennial herb with an extensive taproot which aids persistence. Puna is ideally suited to intensive sheep and beef grazing systems due to its prostrate growth. Puna is a reliable performer offering high quality feed through summer months making it an ideal companion in a finishing system.

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